Friday, October 28, 2011

HARP Refinance Loan

You may have heard on the news that the government has made some significant changes to the HARP loan program that will help people refinance who are upside down ("under water") on their mortgage. That's right...this is really good news that will help many people stay in their homes and take advantage of these low rates. The most important change is that there is no maximum limit, ceiling, or restriction regarding how much negative equity you might have.  Watch the video by Brian & Joe at Orion Mortgage for more details by clicking HERE.

PS: This is the kind of action we've been waiting for from our government because we think it will help a lot of people who are under water. Please forward this to your friends - they may know someone who could use the help!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good News!

Finally, some good news for people who have recently had a short sale. There are now guidelines in place that allow for some buyers to qualify for a new mortgage even if they had a short sale as recently as last month. Take a look at this quick 2 minute video to learn here.