Monday, January 25, 2021

Congratulations to My 2020 4th Quarter Buyers & Sellers!

Congratulations to My 2020 4th Quarter Buyers & Sellers! 

Getting a home for Lauren Loges has been a great story! Lauren and her parents, Greg & Traci, were walking in my neighborhood when they were looking for a home to buy. Two of my neighbors pointed them to my house and mentioned, “a GREAT realtor lives there.” I wasn’t home but my husband Kyu closed the deal! I started working with Lauren and her parents to find a great home that they could update - Lauren’s dad is a builder. I reached out to some friends who told me they were ready to sell one of their rentals. We put the deal together and Lauren and her dad are enjoying the remodel project. I cannot wait to see the final product! 

Previous clients, Dani & Rudy Brake, introduced me to Ben & Rasa Tiano. Ben is a resident at Mayo Hospital and Rasa is a medical student in Denver. They are newlyweds and were ready to buy their first home together hoping Rasa will match in Phoenix for her residency in March, 2021. Between their schedules and Rasa flying into town, we squeezed in showings until we finally found the best home for them in N. Phoenix. I am so excited for them and their new adventure. 

Past client and great family friend, Rosemary Stralser, reached out after moving her mother into assisted living. Mom owned a great patio home/townhouse in Central Phx and it didn’t take long to sell. After reviewing multiple offers, Rosemary selected a buyer who was purchasing this property as an investment. Congratulations, Rosemary, on another successful sale!

Becky & Laura Alvarez had one of the longest most difficult searches for a new family home. they were living in a condo with their two children and needed more space. We started the search in 2019 and were under contract fairly quickly but, unfortunately, they had to cancel because the buyer for their home cancelled. We started the search again and it went well into 2020 when the market prices spiked. Laura & Becky did not back down, and they trusted my advice to make a full price clean offer as they competed with the high demand and low supply of our market. It finally came together and Laura, Becky and family enjoyed the holidays in their new home!

My wonderful neighbor reached out to me in early December and mentioned a friend who had a house to sell in Glendale. The owner had not been living there since July and the home had been neglected. I went out to see the property and knew immediately that we should connect with my terrific investor/realtor to get the home sold. We were under contract without even going on the market and closed on the house on December 31st. Now the remodel begins!